Monday, March 11, 2013

Assignment Four Progress

For assignment four I chose Luke Fowler's Three Minute Wonder series. Out of the series I felt like like 'Lester' is the best fit for me:

It includes ideas that resonate with me such as architecture, historic buildings, books, random objects and I felt it was a quiet introspective glimpse into the personal space of 'Lester'. Once upon a time I was considering a degree in Historic Interiors so this interests me greatly, plus I've always been interested in the space that people occupy. Sometimes just looking around a personal space can say much more than the person ever could. So, looking foward to it.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Video Art Questions

Video Art Question One:

In exploring new media and venues of art self expression and examination are nearly limitless. Chris Burden challenged the process by involving his own body in the often near-masochistic destruction of his self which included being shot, nearly being burned alive and crawling over broken glass. At what point does self expression cease to be art? Is there a limit where we say, ‘this is not art’?

Video Art Question Two:

Vito Acconci used video media to draw parallels between the celebrity and the false intimacy of the televised image. A modern day equivalent could be compared to the rise of reality television and the instant stardom that these ‘average people’ achieve. How is this artistic expression?